Contact Us

If you have any enquires please contact us using the details below and we will try and respond as soon as possible.

BD NUCLEAR LTD (Portsmouth Head Office)

Units 1&2 Oyster Estate, Jackson Close, Farlington, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 1QN

(BD Nuclear Ltd is registered at the above address in England & Wales at the above address. Reg. No: 5943222)

Tel: 0845 521 0004  |  Fax: 0845 521 0003



To view a map of our location, please click here


Need advice or have a project to discuss?

If you need advice on how any aspect of wire cutting, surface removal or concrete cutting could work for you, or you have a project that needs our specialist skills, please speak to our experienced staff on 0845 521 0004 or contact us at

Contact us